Peer Review

Manuscript Submitted to this journal is initially checked for its Scope, Format and Originality.

If the manuscript is out of the scope of the journal it is not accepted at all. 
If the presentation of manuscript is weak, more errors in spelling, Not giving proper references in the references list as well in the manuscript, then chances are there that it will be sent back to author for more clear and proper formatting.
If we found at any stage that manuscript was submitted for publication in two different journals in full or in part, it is cancelled immediately and author is informed.

Double Blind Peer Review is conducted at this Journal 

Editor in Chief invites editors and reviewers for review of certain research papers. an appropriate time of four weeks is given to reviewers to complete the process. 
We make sure that authors remain anonymous to reviewers to keep integrity of review process intact.  So it becomes impossible for reviewers to review an article on the basis of racism, competition, financial benefit or relationship. So the outcome of review report remains legitimate. In review reports authors confirm that article is original, apprpriate and contains enough outcome which can benefit the scientific community.  Selection or Rejection is then conveyed to the author.